Hello Nordstrom + Birthday Week

This week was really fun. Not even just in terms of mom standards, but legitimately, objectively fun. Highlights included getting dressed up and going to the Nordstrom Opening Gala on Wednesday night and my birthday the next day. I love my birthday – always have, and always will. What better excuse to eat cake for breakfast and spend quality time with people you care about doing what you feel like doing. Here’s the run down on how I celebrated my fourth annual 29th birthday week.


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Fall is in the Air and That’s a Good Thing

The weather has shifted and Fall is in the air. While I’m sad to say goodbye to summer, especially the long days and warm weather, I find that I’m welcoming the transition to another season this year a little more than most years. I was trying to figure out why that is and I realized it has a huge part to do with my confidence in this whole mom thing. There has been a shift and I think we are entering a new phase. Things feel a little calmer than they did in the first few weeks of summer when Baby N was brand new, and as we are approaching the three month mark, I have been feeling like the ‘real me’ and not just some imposter with a newborn. Life is now back to something that resembles my old life, but now my new life involves the most adorable smiley little sidekick. I’m back in my pre-pregnancy pants. I’m not going to lie, that feels great. I’m getting some baby-free time too for things I enjoy, like yoga, and that is such a gift. D is happy to watch the little guy and I am happy to get a break.


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May 2015 Recap

I haven’t posted in awhile, not because I haven’t been up to anything exciting, but because I’ve been cramming so much in before Baby Bean gets here. Organizing a non-profit fundraiser, wrapping up work (hello, maternity leave!), socializing every chance I can, and getting ready for baby. Plus, the weather has been phenomenal in Vancouver this month, so it didn’t quite feel right to be at my computer when I could be on a patio, at the beach, or having a picnic…

Below is a recap of what I’ve been up to in the last month or so, and what’s coming up on the blog in the near future.


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Weekend Recap: January 30th – February 1st

Last weekend already feels like a blur. It marked the end of January (my least favorite month) and ushered in February – a month that, in my mind, marks the end of the worst of winter.  So, what did I get up to? Nothing too adventurous… a little hike, a movie night, a pedicure, and the Super Bowl (re: halftime show).  It was a nice little low-key local weekend and I was happy to get a chance to catch up on some sleep after having a cold for most of January.  Here’s a recap below of where I went, what I did, and who I saw…


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Weekend Recap: January 16-18, 2015

I don’t know about you, but January is typically my least favorite month. The weather sucks, summer feels far away, and my credit card bill is always a buzzkill.  However, things are looking up.  My husband D and I booked our trip next month to New York (!) and I’ve been trying to get out and socialize as much as a I can.  I’ve been fighting a brutal cold for a few weeks now, but while I’m not a doctor, I think socializing and laughter are the best medicines, am I right? Below is a recap of my weekend (well, I’m cheating actually, as I decided to start with Wednesday instead of Friday because that sort of felt like the start to my weekend)…

Jan 16-18

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Weekend Recap: January 9-11, 2015

I always know it’s going to be a good weekend when Seattle is involved.  I love that city and promise to do a more comprehensive Seattle post soon.  It has great food, good shopping, and it has a casual coolness to it… not to mention they’ve got that happy hour thing down.  I spent my weekend split between there and Vancouver and it was a good one.  My recap of the weekend is below…

January 9-11, 2015

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Mid-December – where did you go?

Finally! I’m done work for the year and am on holidays until 2015! Yippeeee! The last week and a half has flown by. It’s been so busy but fun.  I got a little sidetracked from my weekend recaps due to too many activities (tough life, I know), but here’s a little quick glimpse into some of what’s been keeping me busy:

Mid-December Photo


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Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for the Hostess

The holiday party season is here! It’s always nice to bring a little gift to show your appreciation for your host/hostess’s hospitality.  While wine, liqueurs, and champagne are always nice and convenient, I also love bringing other kinds of gifts to people’s homes this time of year, mostly of the food or decor variety.  Here is a sample of some of my favorite hostess gift ideas:

Gift Guide - Hostess Gifts

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